T.N.V.R. Services
Lollypop Farm provides low-cost TNVR services for feral and free-roaming “community” cats. Services are performed at Lollypop Farm’s Klingenstein Veterinary Clinic by appointment only. Please note that Lollypop Farm is not able to trap or transport cats.
Appointments are scheduled Monday – Friday for drop-off in the morning and pick-up the same day in the evening. At their appointment, cats are spayed or neutered, vaccinated for rabies, evaluated, and ear-tipped to identify them as sterilized. Animals whose suffering cannot be alleviated are humanely euthanized.
After recovery, caregivers must return cats to their home—their colony—outdoors. A feral colony caregiver provides food and shelter and monitors the colony for new arrivals. Caregivers monitor for sick cats they seek veterinary care for and for newcomers who need to be spayed or neutered and vaccinated.

Please do not trap cats until you have an appointment (see below). We are unable to accommodate any unscheduled cats.
If a community cat is found to be friendly, caregivers must first make every effort to locate the cat’s owner. Read more about what to do if you find a lost pet here.
Notification must be posted in the area you will be trapping 5 days prior to when you will trap. Read about the steps you should take before trapping.
Cat must:
- Be 2 months of age or older and a minimum of 2lbs.
- Must arrive in a humane trap (also known as a live trap – i.e. Havahart/Tomahawk). If you do not have a humane trap, Lollypop Farm does have a limited supply available for rent through our Admissions Department, or they can often be purchased at your local lawn and garden center or online. Trap rental at Lollypop
- Farm is $10 for a two-week rental period. You will be charged the full price of a trap ($80) if they are not returned at the end of the two-week rental period.
- Please note that Lollypop Farm will not send staff or volunteers to trap cats on your property.
- Caregivers must return cats to the location they were trapped.
Services are provided Monday through Friday by appointment at Lollypop Farm’s Klingenstein Veterinary Clinic in Fairport. The surgery and vaccination package includes spay or neuter surgery with anesthesia and pain medicine, rabies and distemper vaccinations, and ear tip – required (This is the universal sign that a cat has been sterilized). We have optional additions if you’d like to include those during the cat’s appointment.
Surgery & Vaccination Package Cost: $60
Revolution/Droncit (optional): $20
FeLV/FIV Combo Test (optional): $25
Microchip (optional): $10
- If TNVR sounds right for you, submit an application by clicking the button below.
- You will be contacted in the order your application is received as scheduling allows. All appointments are serviced same-day, with drop off at 8:00 and pick up at 3:30. Our current waitlist may be several months long, and is variable based on the number of cats needing service.
- Payment for services may be made the morning of your appointment via credit or debit card.
- You will receive a confirmation email prior to your appointment. Please review for requirements and guidelines for your appointment day.
Thank you for your efforts to care for community cats! Working together we can ensure these free-roaming cats have a long healthy life while not contributing further to the community cat or shelter population!
Maintaining a Community Cat Colony
Questions? Contact us at (585) 223-1330 x190.
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