Pet Emergency Planning
Ensure your family is ready to care for your pets when the unexpected happens.

- All pets have collars and identification (including a microchip!)
- Have a carrier for each small pet and leashes for each dog.
- Make sure pets’ vaccinations are current.
- Have copies of health records for each pet.
- Make a “mutual aid” agreement with family or friends to check on each other’s pets.
- Ensure your veterinarian has written authorization for people other than you to seek medical care for your pet.
- Set a planned destination with a relative or friend in case you have to evacuate.
- Keep at least one week’s supply of food, water, and supplies such as litter, as well as two weeks’ medication on hand for each pet.
- Have a plan to transport your animals. (Will everyone fit in your car?)
- If you and your pets are separated, keep photos of you with each pet to prove ownership.
The most important thing you can do to protect your pets if you evacuate is to take them with you.
If it’s not safe for you to stay in a disaster area, it’s not safe for your pets. Animals left behind in a disaster can easily be injured, lost, or killed.
Download a pet identification card to help alert others that you have pets in your home and who to contact in an emergency.
Be prepared for emergencies and remember your pets’ safety.
Here are other resources to help you plan for your pets in the event of a disaster or other emergency:
ASPCA: Disaster Preparedness
FEMA: Prepare For Emergencies Now: Information For Pet Owners
Disaster Planning for Horse Owners
Disaster Planning for Small Farms
Important Links with Additional Information
Lost and Found
Lollypop Farm Humane Law Enforcement
Pet First Aid & CPR Training
Keeping Pets Safe During a Power Outage
Lollypop Farm Pet Pantry
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