Lost and Found
Lost your pet? Found a stray pet? Lollypop Farm is here to help. We have resources for searching for your lost pet, what to do if you’ve found a pet, as well as advice on measures you can take to prevent your pet from becoming lost.
Last year, 1,338 pets were reported missing to the Lollypop Farm Lost and Found Department.

I Found a Lost Pet

Join our Facebook Page for Lost and Found Pets!

Text “LPFLost” to (844) LPF-LOST for easy step-by-step instructions.
Help this pet home with step-by-step instructions from Lost2Found. This Lollypop Farm texting service is designed to help walk you through the steps of reuniting a pet with their family. Whether you found a stray or your own beloved pet has gone missing just text “LPFLost” to (844) LPF-LOST for easy step-by-step instructions.
Contact Lollypop Farm at (585) 223-1330 or by email.
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