In the midst of brutally beating his partner, Bruno’s former owner directed his blows towards Bruno. Working with the police, Lollypop Farm Humane Law Enforcement acted swiftly to seize Bruno and his sister Elsa, bringing them back to the shelter. Bruno’s medical exam and x-rays revealed he was no stranger to abuse. His body was covered with scars, his brain swollen, and he was infected with parasites like fleas and tapeworm. Thanks to your support and Lollypop Farm Humane Law Enforcement though, this life is now behind him. Bruno got a second chance in a happy home, and Bruno’s owner was arrested for his crimes.

We wish Bruno’s story was less common, but the unfortunate truth is that sad stories like Bruno’s cross the desks of our Humane Law Enforcement Investigators all the time. Last year alone, they investigated 841 cases of suspected animal cruelty. Didn’t even know Lollypop Farm even had a Humane Law Enforcement Department? Now you do! And here’s 6 more facts about this incredible department you may not have known either.
Lollypop Farm maintains an SPCA designation and enforces the animal cruelty laws of New York State. In New York State private organizations with a SPCA designation and training can serve as law enforcement agencies. Our humane law enforcement officers are certified state peace officers with the authority to make arrests, execute search warrants, and seize animals and property. They are not animal control, which is a function of each municipality, and do not pick up roaming pets. Our officers investigate crimes people commit against animals, and not the other way around.
Lollypop Farm Humane Law Enforcement investigators have a combined 153 years of experience in police work. Our officers are the real deal! They have received police training and are ready to handle whatever is thrown their way.
Lollypop Farm Humane Law Enforcement officers cover Monroe, Orleans, Genesee, and Livingston counties. It’s a huge radius for one department to handle, but they do a tremendous job! With just five officers, they work in shifts to respond to calls phoned on our cruelty hotline (585-223-6500) or 9-1-1 and hold animal abusers responsible for their crimes.
Humane Law Enforcement is often asked to partner with local law enforcement on cases and special initiatives. Not only are our officers often responding to calls received by local police involving pets, they serve as experts in task forces and initiatives. The serve on the Monroe County Threat Assessment Team, Major Felony Warrant Task Force, and Project Exile, a federal collaboration initiative regarding gun violence.
Lollypop Farm Humane Law Enforcement provides training for local police officers and police academies. In an effort to ensure pets in our community are kept safe, Lollypop Farm offers training on a number of animal topics to local police including the specifics of animal cruelty laws and how to handle dogs they may encounter while doing their jobs.
Our Law Enforcement Officers are sharing information and resources with our community. While their number one job is to bring abusers to justice, they are also on the front lines for preventing neglect before it happens. Our officers work with community members who may have fallen on hard times to help ensure their pets remain cared for. They also talk to neighborhood groups, at schools, camps, and attend public events to help share information about proper pet care.
If you suspect animal cruelty, please give our Humane Law Enforcement Department a call at 585-223-6500. Our investigators are on the job, and ready to help pets in need.