With our community experiencing a difficult time and many parents juggling full-time jobs while homeschooling their children, we want to be there as a resource for all of you at home!
The Humane Education Department has compiled a number of resources for parents to try out at home with kids. Children will love these activities—they’ll be learning things like responsible pet care, dog bite prevention, and treating all living things with a humane and compassionate heart. Make sure you are also following our Facebook page where we will be sharing fun virtual events soon that your child is sure to love.
Be Kind to Animals Art Show

Be Kind to Animals Week, May 3rd – 9th, is just around the corner, and we need your help to celebrate! Children, kindergarten through 12th grade, are invited to get creative and help us spread the word about being kind to pets in our community. Submit a photo of your child’s artwork and they will be displayed in a digital library and on social media during Be Kind to Animals Week. We can’t wait to see what you come up with! The deadline for submitting artwork is Friday, April 17th, happy creating!
Compassionate Investigators in Training
Heart (Humane Education Advocates Reaching Teachers) has great resources and activities available to families that are both fun, and promote social responsibility! We especially love the Compassionate Investigators in Training Game. Your child will have fun hunting for clues and learning about issues related to puppy mills and caring for their animal companions. Click here to try it out!
Heart also has great digital lesson plans! These classroom tools will really come in handy and feature a variety of interactive lessons aligned to state curriculum standards related to animal protection, social justice, and environmental conservation themes. Check them out here.
Scholastic Resources
On your second week of homeschooling, and not really sure what to do? Check out lesson plans by Scholastic! They have fun topics like Hey, Human: Are dogs’ facial expressions trying to tell us something? and more. (Spoiler alert: YES, they are!) Find out this answer, and explore more scenarios with your child at Scholastic Science World here.
SAFE: Dog Bite Prevention

SAFE is a fun and easy way to talk to children about dog bite prevention. SAFE has four simple steps that can be played as a game. These tools will help them be safe around dogs they know and the dogs they don’t. Click here to learn more about SAFE.
And who doesn’t love coloring sheets!

It’s tried and true! (And it might buy you a few moments of quiet.) These coloring sheets from Liz Climo are cute and your child will enjoy the time to be creative. Just make sure you snap a photo and share them with us! Find an assortment of coloring pages here.
There are so many ways to keep your kids engaged and learning new things while homeschooling! If you come across any other projects, activities, or lessons for kids who love learning with animals, please share them with us at education@lollypop.org.