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Humane Society of Greater Rochester

Joy, a 2-year-old Nigerian dwarf goat was surrendered to Lollypop Farm earlier this year heavily pregnant. After only a week, she felt comfortable enough to give birth to three goat kids farm staff lovingly named Riley, Phyllis, and Bing Bong. Joy was a very attentive mother from the start and also very understanding of the farm staff. She gladly allowed the kids to be cared for so that she could have some much-needed “mommy time.” One of her kids, Riley, was attached to Joy’s hip, always nearby. Both Joy and Riley were very friendly always walking right up, and eager for a pet!

Due to their sweet natures, we decided to try and see if they would enjoy being animal ambassadors here at Lollypop Farm. Once Bing Bong and Phyllis were old enough, they were adopted to the perfect home together with a slightly older goat “brother” to spar with. This meant Joy and Riley could begin their training.

Animal ambassadors are animals that are hand-picked for being extra friendly around people. With their help, animal care staff can demonstrate and educate people about animals and their needs. Joy and Riley both have proven time and time again that they are gentle and love attention from all people. This makes them the perfect ambassadors to engage children and adults in modeling empathy, compassion, and respect toward farm animals.

Joy and Riley took to ambassador training very easily, and made their debut at the Telethon earlier this year. You probably saw them on camera! But this summer, Joy and Riley took on the exciting role of teaching Lollypop Farm Campers all about goats! They walked into the classrooms and made their way around the room to each child, allowing the campers to pet them as they walked by. After every child had a chance to pet them, they stood quietly while the farm staff answered questions about the goats. This was a great opportunity for campers to learn more about animals they may have limited exposure to and what care they need. Interactions like this will help campers learn empathy for years to come, as a happy memory at Lollypop Farm camp.

Joy and Riley have been wonderful additions to the farm team so far, and they will continue to represent the animals on the farmyard for as long as they enjoy it. Their sweet demeanors make them perfect ambassadors for children and adults alike. Keep an eye out for opportunities to meet these sweethearts through humane education and farm programming.